The "Minersville Mansion" in question, the DiNicola Mansion. PHOTO BY LINDSEY SCHUEY
Originally published in the Pottsville Republican-Herald on January 21, 2021.
Jeffrey A. Dengler believes that a haunted house isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The Kutztown author and self-proclaimed spiritual medium has investigated paranormal activity for decades.
In 2018, Dengler was approached by Teresa, a woman who recently left her small Pennsylvania town and moved north to a 1904 Romanesque Revival mansion in Minersville. Teresa claimed that she experienced weeks of unexplained, possibly supernatural occurrences. Dengler agreed and investigated the mansion for three years. The results are in his new book, “The Minersville Mansion.”
“We had many personal experiences,” Dengler said, “captured photographic evidence along with audio evidence over the three years. The home has many layers to it.”
While exploring the mansion, Dengler discovered a hidden staircase and a hidden room in the basement. The history of the home, its residents and mysterious happenings are all detailed in his book.
Dengler will be signing copies from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday at the Schuylkill County Historical Society in Pottsville.
According to his author bio on goodreads.com, Dengler “has a passion to help others by utilizing his knowledge of the paranormal field and what he believes are his God-given gifts and abilities to tune into the spirit world to help individuals and their soul heal.”
Dengler’s goal is not to exorcise spirits — it’s to change people’s perceptions of them. From horror movies and television shows, he says, homeowners are scared of paranormal activity. But why do they have to be scared?
“Once we explain why the activity is happening,” Dengler said, “most, if not all, of the families end up having a different perception and are more at ease. To go into a home and see fear in faces, and then leave and see relief in their faces, is a very special thing. It’s about empowering the homeowner and them taking control of their space.”
The catalyst for his involvement started while growing up in his family’s home. Dengler claims to have “experienced many paranormal occurrences” there. After he moved out of the house and got married, he and his wife would frequently hear friends and acquaintances talking about supposed supernatural activity in their homes.
“It is hard for many people to reach out and admit they are experiencing paranormal-type activity in their homes,” he said. “There are many reasons for this, but fear plays a big part. They are experiencing fear from the activity and then fear from what others’ opinion may be if they say their home is haunted. Which fear is stronger?”
Paranormal investigators such as Dengler use audio and video recorders, EMF detectors and other tools of the trade, but he says that his main tool is his own body.
Dengler says that he began to have visions of the supernatural after an accident that occurred back when he was working in film and TV production. During a World War II film shoot, an explosion caused him to temporarily lose his hearing. The only sound he could hear was what sounded like an old radio dial. When the noise stopped, his “awakening” began.
“To understand the spirit world better,” he said, “think of energy, frequency and vibration. Something happened at that explosion that sent me on this path. It happens many times that some kind of trauma opens us up.”
While Dengler has used his experience to help people like Teresa, his goal is not to uncover as an expert, but to facilitate understanding in what they may be experiencing, to promote healing.
“If anyone tells you they are an expert in the field, don’t listen.” he said. “Because there’s no such thing as an expert in the paranormal field.”